It doesnt even let u do anything all u do is tap on a word and it says it u do nothing!
It doesnt even let u do anything all u do is tap on a word and it says it u do nothing!
With practice, Ill learn these phrases. Until then, Ill let the program speak for me if need be. After all is said, it is a free app - hard to go wrong with a program that forces you to work.
Wish there was a button to slow it down, or breaking it down
This is awesome and great tool to learn to speak Chinese in some day to day basic phrases.
Love this app
More words please
Ping yin can change one word to another. Without it all words are nothing. And the characters should be underneath
If yu really wanna speak Chinese u should get it
The person sounds fluent in Chinese, but I dont think shes a native speaker. I dont think a native person would mispronounce the word "want." (Shang instead of xiang) I am not talking about accent or tones; its simply mispronounced. You can even drop the mispronounced word, and the sentence is actually better. There are also word usage issues. "Happy birthday" is also pronounced incorrectly. Please correct on the next version.
I know a little bit of mandarin already, so I decided that this app might help a bit. However, there are no voice pronunciations, nor does the app show you visually how to pronounce them, which probably will result in an extremely thick American accent. For example, thank you spelled in the alphabet (and shown in the app) would be Xie Xie. Newcomers would pronounce it as SEE-SEE, but its more like Shh-yia Shh-yia (I might not be perfect on the real pronunciation though due to my instructor having a Changsha dialect).
I really like it
I love this app,i can now go to the chinese nail shop and be able to say hello,bu sho,ni hao ma.its good so far!
Never thought Id enjoy learning Chinese this much. Good app.
I am half chinese but never practised speaking the language. I have downloaded several chinese learnin apps, but this is by far the best. Thanks Mr. Holfeld! I am learning the language gradually, and if I cannot pronounce it, I just tap on the word and make them listen! :)
My Chinese girlfriend loves it even though she cant understand me because she speaks a different dialect - Toi San! :-)
The app is small, concise, and to the point. The words are spelled out and fluently pronounced. you wont be 100% fluent in mandarin but you will get a good start AND in the few topics and phrases that are covered, you will be 100% fluent in them.
Precise and to the point. Helps with phrasing.
This app is well organized so that its easy to navigate and intuitive to use. Even though there are a lot of phrases, they are arranged so that you can find a particular topic quickly. When you click on a word or phrase the app says it aloud, so you can use it to directly communicate with people. I think it would also be helpful for a student of Chinese who wants to hear common phrases pronounced. Id highly recommend this app!
This ap is nice. I use it. It could be improved a lot. He has cute pickup lines but no food descriptions. Please add. I get hungry. The description of each phase at the top is nice but it would be nice to have chinese characters as well. Good when it is too noisy to hear. The Japanese version has the Japanese characters at top but no hint to pronounce in English. Best to have both. It would also be good to be able to expand with additional phase packs. Id pay a reasonable fee. So handy and with me unlike heavy phase book, phone is always with me. I would like to hide phases I will never use. A link to additional phrases in a note be great. Keeps all in one location. Id like to save things I need to say often in this ap.
This is a good app but I wish you can type a word and it would pop up instead of having to search for the word but it is fun I guess yay it is thank you for working hard to create this app